Tutorial 4 : CRUD User interfaces with Ionic
Html pages
Starting from mab2, modify the file in the www/templates folder, named profile.html with this content:
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<ion-view view-title="Profile"> <ion-content class="padding" ng-init="getCurrentUser()"> <br> <h2 class="text-center">USER PROFILE</h2> <br><br> <div class="list"> <label class="item item-input"> <span class="input-label">Prénom :*</span> <input type="text" ng-model="currentUser.firstName" > </label> <label class="item item-input"> <span class="input-label">Nom :*</span> <input type="text" ng-model="currentUser.lastName"> </label> <label class="item item-input"> <span class="input-label">Nom d'utilisateur :*</span> <input type="text" ng-model="currentUser.username" > </label> <label class="item item-input"> <span class="input-label">Email :*</span> <input type="text" ng-model="currentUser.email"> </label> </div> <button class="button button-full button-calm" ng-click="updateUserProfile()">Modifier</button> </ion-content> </ion-view> |
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<ion-view view-title="Devices"> <ion-content class="padding" ng-init="getAllDeviceOfUser()"> <br> <h2 class="text-center">USER DEVICE</h2> <div class=" col col-center"> <button ui-sref="newDevice" class="button button-full button-calm"> Ajouter un nouveau appareil </button> </div> <div class="list" style="width:100;margin:auto"> <div ng-repeat="device in devices"> <div class="item item-divider">{{device.name}}</div> <div class="item"> <label> <strong>Nom: </strong> {{device.name}} </label> <br> <label> <strong>Matricule: </strong> {{device.uniqueId}} </label> <br> <label> <strong>Status: </strong> {{device.status}} </label> <br> <label> <strong>Téléphone: </strong> {{device.phoneNumber}} </label> <br> <div class="post-actions row "> <div class="col col-33 "> <a class="button button-small button-full button-calm" ng-click="selectDeviceToUpdate(device)"> Modifier </a> </div> <div class="col col-33"> <button type="button" class="button button-small button-full button-calm" ng-click="deleteConfirmation(device.id)"> Supprimer </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </ion-content> </ion-view> |
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<ion-view view-title="Nouveau device"> <ion-content class="padding"> <br> <h2 class="text-center">NOUVEAU APPAREIL</h2> <div class="list"> <label class="item item-input"> <span class="input-label">Nom :*</span> <input type="text" ng-model="newDevice.name" > </label> <label class="item item-input"> <span class="input-label">Unique id :*</span> <input type="text" ng-model="newDevice.uniqueId" > </label> <label class="item item-input"> <span class="input-label">Téléphone :*</span> <input type="text" ng-model="newDevice.phoneNumber" > </label> <label class="item item-input item-select"> <span class="input-label">Status :*</span> <select ng-model="newDevice.status" ng-options="__status._status for __status in status" > </select> </label> <button type="button" class="button button-full button-calm" ng-click="addNewDevice()"> Sauvegarder </button> </div> </div> </ion-content> </ion-view> |
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<ion-view view-title="Modifier appareil"> <ion-content class="padding"> <br> <h2 class="text-center">MODIFIER APPAREIL</h2> <div class="list"> <label class="item item-input"> <span class="input-label">Nom :*</span> <input type="text" ng-model="deviceToUpdate.name" > </label> <label class="item item-input"> <span class="input-label">Téléphone :*</span> <input type="text" ng-model="deviceToUpdate.phoneNumber" > </label> <label class="item item-input item-select"> <span class="input-label">Status :*</span> <select ng-model="deviceToUpdate.status" ng-options="__status._status for __status in status" > </select> </label> <button type="button" class="button button-full button-calm" ng-click="updateDevice(deviceToUpdate.id)"> Sauvegarder </button> </div> </div> </ion-content> </ion-view> |
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angular.module('starter.services', []) .service('LoginService', function($resource,SERVER_PATH) { return $resource('login:', {}, { authenticate: { method: 'POST', url:SERVER_PATH.path+'/login/authenticate' } } ); }) .service('ProfileService', function($resource,SERVER_PATH) { return $resource('profile:', {}, { getCurrentUser: { method: 'GET', url:SERVER_PATH.path+'/users/getCurrentUser' }, updateUserProfile: { method: 'POST', url:SERVER_PATH.path+'/users/updateUserProfile' } } ); }) .service('DeviceService', function($resource,SERVER_PATH) { return $resource('device:', {}, { addNewDevice: { method: 'POST', url:SERVER_PATH.path+'/devices/addNewDevice' }, getAllDeviceOfUser: { method: 'GET', isArray:true, url:SERVER_PATH.path+'/devices/getByUserId' } } ); }) .service('PopupService', function($ionicPopup,$state) { var popups={}; popups.showPopupConfirmation=function(message,functiontoExecute){ var confirmPopup = $ionicPopup.confirm({ title: 'Confirmation', template: message }); confirmPopup.then(function(res) { if(res) { functiontoExecute; } }); } popups.showPopup=function(title, message, goTo){ var popupAlert = $ionicPopup.alert({ title: title, template: message }); popupAlert.then(function(result) { if(goTo!==''){ $state.go(goTo); } }); } return popups; }) .service('DataService', function($resource,SERVER_PATH) { var data = {}; return { getData: function () { return data; }, setData: function (_data) { data = _data; } }; }) ; |
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angular.module('starter.controllers', []) .controller('LoginCtrl', function($scope, $state, $rootScope, $cookieStore, $http, $ionicLoading, LoginService) { $scope.credentials = { username: '', password: '' } var xAuthTokenHeaderName = 'x-auth-token'; $scope.login = function() { $ionicLoading.show({ template: 'Chargement...' }); $scope.invalidCredentials=false; LoginService.authenticate({username: $scope.credentials.username, password: $scope.credentials.password}) .$promise.then(function(user) { if(user.status=="OK"){ $rootScope.user = user; $http.defaults.headers.common[ xAuthTokenHeaderName ] = user.token; $cookieStore.put('user', user); $state.go('tab.profile'); }else{ $scope.invalidCredentials=true; } $ionicLoading.hide(); }, function(error) { $ionicLoading.hide(); }); } }) .controller('DeviceCtrl', function($scope,DataService,$state,$http, $ionicLoading,SERVER_PATH, PopupService, DeviceService, SERVER_PATH) { $scope.devices=[]; $scope.getAllDeviceOfUser=function(){ $ionicLoading.show({ template: 'Chargement...' }); DeviceService.getAllDeviceOfUser() .$promise.then(function(response){ $scope.devices=response; $ionicLoading.hide(); }, function(error) { $ionicLoading.hide(); }); } $scope.status=[ {id:'1',_status:"ONLINE"}, {id:'2',_status:"OFFLINE"} ]; $scope.newDevice={}; $scope.addNewDevice=function(){ $ionicLoading.show({ template: 'Chargement...' }); DeviceService.addNewDevice({name:$scope.newDevice.name,uniqueId: $scope.newDevice.uniqueId, status:$scope.newDevice.status._status,phoneNumber:$scope.newDevice.phoneNumber}) .$promise.then(function(response){ $scope.devices.push(response); PopupService.showPopup('Bien', 'Votre appareil a été ajouté','tab.device'); $ionicLoading.hide(); }, function(error) { $ionicLoading.hide(); }); } $scope.deviceToUpdate=DataService.getData();; $scope.selectDeviceToUpdate=function(device){ DataService.setData(device); $state.go('updateDevice'); } $scope.updateDevice=function(deviceId){ $scope.newDevicetoUpdateData={ name:$scope.deviceToUpdate.name, status: $scope.deviceToUpdate.status._status, phoneNumber:$scope.deviceToUpdate.phoneNumber } $http.put(SERVER_PATH.path+"/devices/updateDevice/"+deviceId,$scope.newDevicetoUpdateData) .success(function(response){ PopupService.showPopup('Bien', 'Votre appareil a été modifié','tab.device'); $ionicLoading.hide(); }, function(error) { $ionicLoading.hide(); }); } $scope.deleteDevice=function(deviceId){ $ionicLoading.show({ template: 'Chargement...' }); $http.delete(SERVER_PATH.path+"/devices/deleteDevice/"+deviceId) .success(function(response){ if(response.status=="Success"){ $scope.getAllDeviceOfUser(); } $ionicLoading.hide(); }, function(error) { $ionicLoading.hide(); }); } $scope.deleteConfirmation=function(deviceId){ PopupService.showPopupConfirmation("ddd",$scope.deleteDevice(deviceId)); } }) .controller('ProfileCtrl', function($scope, $ionicLoading, PopupService, ProfileService,$http) { $scope.currentUser={}; $scope.getCurrentUser=function(){ $ionicLoading.show({ template: 'Chargement...' }); ProfileService.getCurrentUser().$promise.then(function(response){ $scope.currentUser=response; $ionicLoading.hide(); }, function(error) { $ionicLoading.hide(); }); } $scope.updateUserProfile=function(){ ProfileService.updateUserProfile({firstName:$scope.currentUser.firstName,lastName: $scope.currentUser.lastName, username:$scope.currentUser.username,email:$scope.currentUser.email}) .$promise.then(function(response){ PopupService.showPopup('Bien', 'Votre profile a été modifié',''); $ionicLoading.hide(); }, function(error) { $ionicLoading.hide(); }); } }); |
Run the Server application
Download the server source code (lab3) from bitbucket:
Create database with name and run the script in PostgreSQL database :
1 2 3 4 |
INSERT INTO public.role (id, role_name) VALUES (1, 'ROLE_ADMIN'); INSERT INTO public.role (id, role_name) VALUES (2, 'ROLE_USER'); INSERT INTO public.user (id, first_name, last_name, email, password, username, role_id) VALUES (1, 'Nizar', 'Ellouze','nizarellouze@gmail.com', '$2a$10$bpNMKeaQXKpJ4JVxOHWvu.tZdmCLT9nKcZreJ/ELfCgmTCyhC7GPy', 'admin', 1); INSERT INTO public.user (id, first_name, last_name, email, password, username, role_id) VALUES (2, 'Omar', 'Kessemtini','kessemtini.omar@gmail.com', '$2a$10$TA.UfUqLa8uDeGkt95FfLeq7T5Y5vpDpzAtvJrHSLzLliY/PARXUq', 'user', 2); |
Now, run the application by launching the SpringBootApplication class using the command mvn spring-boot:run and visit and authenticate with one of the two users:
: username=user, password=user
: username=admin, password=admin
Run the Mobile application
Download source Source code from :
https://bitbucket.org/intellitech-team/spring-labs/src/b07388e0252dc3680c5b57eea151432ea26a214d/Lab4(IONIC_CRUD)/?at=master and run the following command
1 2 |
cd auth-with-ionic ionic serve --lab |
Thanks, great article.
chirurgie esthetique Tunisie
Meilleur site dans cette catégorie; merci !